Monday, November 15, 2010


Posted by Picasa2012 CONNECTION to the UNIVERSE are now CRYSTALS! TJ
Something that doesn’t fit into the Spiritual Alignment we call Ascension.

There are limits on our time here on earth. We need to find more and better. We all need to find out our share and our shard of truth. We all do something better on earth than anyone earth. Maybe we deserve more. Most think so but it is not my place to say. I have not attained the success that Jesus Christ did on earth but I do well in America.

I have enough and am happy. I could accept more assistance for those who could share in the success of being inspired by those above. I receive prints and images while I sleep as in dreams that I can recognize.

We are going to learn about our other selves in our essence in the future. This will come in time. We are now preparing for the infinity space time loop that will explain wormhole travel.  I have had territory explored more than in psychic impressions and I narrow down the alien ET symbols in my mind. The neural pathways are mazes of the minds to be explored. We are hardwired but we are also wired for essence that no one on the planet has ever been able to locate. There is a reason that our exact spot of our soul can be found in our physical bodies. We can tell a lot from the shadows and angles of the outcroppings along with the water and fluid in our body-mind-spirits.

There are spiritual essences that can survive in our body-mind-spirits but now without water. There are reasons to begin checking everyone’s potassium levels and watch the blood pressure. We are going to be experiencing some physical changes that will be a concern that don’t match our prior exact body=mind & spirit prints. There is a blood trail that is in all our bodies that allows us to be joined to our bones.

The landing strips of the past that could be seen from space are for those who wanted to get a ride to another place in space. The universe is filled with other places for our essences. It is like thinking about being human and the simple ways we think. It is not hard. When we think of where we do when we die, we can find humor in space. We can share sayings like, ‘Elvis is not dear, he has just left the building!” We see our loved ones die and they are merely passing on their power from one circle into another in the sun. Here on earth, this is powerful stuff. It is true we never forget. For a limited time, we can all get ahead of our memories creating good memories for when we do not have our body physical as a unit and vessel. Get to know your game and your friends. This is the price one pays to face find chat in body-mind-spirit. NEXT, we will be sharing Time Travel and Individual Infinity in space. The next evolution of our own species on earth will require more intelligence. This is why we are marking time until those coming to earth will all be aware that alien civilizations exist in space!

Ascension Age begins December 21, 2012 T. 11:11. Many will not find out until we grow. Just remember we are each others greatest strength forged in the memories of the gathering together as one species on one planet at the 7 billion mark. We must all agree to allow for the awareness to awaken the critical mass consciousness to allow for preliminary analysis of our Supreme Beings. Remember, we all have a share as a shard of truth in our own body and essence. We are all different and all the same which leaves us hoping that we can all become aware of the entire global community and obtain a total count for those who will be aware of our currency in space or become counterfitters who will be ignorant and will fall to those who are more powerful as in the lower seeds of the lower energies of those who come who are of the dark arts.

We must prepare all for the light which we share as the spark of the awareness of ascension as those who are aware of the vantage point from over the air strips in the deserts.  Our ancestors were agreeing to know of the facts that remained after the prior visits of the aliens that loaded others on the alien ET spacecraft. There are those who know of those who come and go. Some of them took a deal as an Army Ranger and some were visiting the crime and crash scenes but could not win the argument against signing a 50 year confidentiality agreement.

We cannot assist all these beings forever because at the time there were things that were thought best for national security. It is time to grow up the nation and the entire world of governments. We may find our world leaders are going to be tested so take a point off the future stocks that matter. We are going to electronic currency and the world will have to return to a two metal gold and silver standard. Hard to listen to the future of the third eye counting up against stone and steel. Sometimes a hurt is only a guilty tear and sometimes all we can do is weep.

Psychic Impressions.
A. The really big ones I tend not to share for fear of being misunderstood.

B. The smaller ones may or may not be correct.

C. This is a probe of the words that appear as the only ones that remain encased after a transmission of impressions of phase spacing.

D. This is how we will be able to share the future for 2 x 3 x 4 meter sections one at a time in order to share what is of the xenoverse. Speculation is pointless until we are able to examine the evidence.

E. Culturally Anthropology is a fine science.

F. This will not give hard science a clear picture but for those with an open mind they can find clues that to some are hard to find.

G. ET natural decomposition of ESP in remote viewing and residual dreams of prophecy are merely the energy of essence of those are the receivers. 

The strength in strange and comes and goes in big dark clouds while we are holding on underneath a shroud of truth we call the future!

We are they who come and go in the strange heart of frozen doors of essence and energy of truth that is undeniable alien to the many. Many are called but few are chosen. The secret societies have always protected the truth. They will be asked to come about and influence those who are in charge of all governments three weeks a year. The G20 must have a generous heart to hearth talk about the future because nothing in this universe happens just once. Infinity goes in both directions. There is no unique event no singular moment. We all get another change and another change. I promise from my heart as an Oracle of Atlantis and MU. I will point the earth in the right direction as this is the only rational explanation. Let’s go back home where there is water, shelter, and many things.  “Do we sail in the wind we call space?”

“Bottom line is we are taught to care and not to fail.” TJ
We who are the receivers and remote viewers that some call Shaman, Oracles, Mystics, Psychics, Prophets, Sage, and Seers, are here to talk to all through time in what we call the web or cyberspace using computers.

We are not offering a plea bargain for the earth as one Gaia or world in the universe. We are waiting for the results of the spiritual alignment.

We are now seeing the changes occurring on earth. I do not deny that I have shared much of my deep spiritual connection to the various Native American Indians and Tibetans of earth. There are many who are our spiritual brothers and sisters who are the keepers of the sacred and secret places passed down from generation to generation.

There are also sacred secret connections of these cultural and spiritual groups to those above whom we refer to as extraterrestrials and the Ancient Alien Theorists call these beings “Aliens”. We are seeing more well controlled historical documentaries on television and in media of all types.

We have made some good choices and navigations regarding the information communication forms to assist those who are interested in surviving the date we talk about as Apocalypse. We are building bridges to our future.

We have portals and portal keys. We have the knowledge and awareness that there are now black holes, and that we can possible travel through wormholes. These will be our Glory Days of the Future Ascension Beings coming to Earth in space-time.

The world will have to share more information and communicate faster. We are running out of time. We have to share more with all those who are now considered members of the sentient intelligent being species.

We have five continents to be controlled by those above. For now, we pocket information from various world leaders in their geographic locations. We are utilizing satellites and our National Security Agency.
All our satellites are used by the aliens that are highly evolved in this universe and can come and go.

We became aware of the Giant Crystals that they harvest for their needs in space. We know that the Americas are responsible for the Main Stronghold of Intelligence and are still in control of the major portion of those who help stay in touch as senders and receivers. This includes the North and South American continents. The large crystals are harvested from the caves, which can be found from space. In addition, our oceans allow for deep cover of the USOs coming and going from space to earth to harvest crystals to be used in space for laser technology and what we call alien technology. The way they see it, Giant Crystals of earth are easy harvest since we have no present use for them. The crystals can be harvested the same way the gold was once taken from earth.

When a mineral or resource becomes strained from harvesting there are times that this planet is left from becoming included in the harvest. This is why we have some time in-between visits from our space visitors or more intelligent beings that are also humanoid and the smaller grays.

Sometimes it takes time to prepare for the automatic writing we receive. Sometimes we can use remote viewing like phase spacing. Sometimes we can dream at night and receive information that is important and can help the world. Sometimes the world economy is in trouble. We can claim ascension essence as the energy of magic that is serendipity. Digging up the truth is what we can share as a reality of BE, Do and Have for all.
Health and Prosperity for all on the planet is more in line with what is expected of all of us in the world. We are here to improve our memories of our explorations in space among all who still exist in the xenoverse. There are infinity factors that we shall explore as time space continuum and for now what we call quantum entanglement. We shall learn of the warp time and phase spacing in interdimensional spaces and places in the omnipresence that includes all metaverses of the branes in space with the xenoverses of the entire inner of the macrocosm. 


Something is happening here and we are pursuing in black ops as a Call to Duty!
There are better ways to share the soul but I cannot think of any. TJ

Alien UFO ET Communicant Interfacers (by Theresa J. Thurmond Morris, 5-8-2008)

The Article
By Theresa J. Thurmond Morris
Alien UFO ET Communicant Interfacers may seem like a new term for Shamans or Prophets but they have been around like Oracles of the past civilizations on earth.
What if the beings who are concerned with communicating with aliens are all telling the truth about their passion about a mission to awaken those who do not accept aliens?
We may not be sure we want to know any of this. However, what if it matters and it is about time? Do we deserve to know what others know and believe about higher intelligent beings who are communicating with some of us on earth but not all? Why is this happening? Is it part of the big plan decided about us and for us in our past?
What if they have been coming to earth all along and we were kept from the truth all of this time on earth? This may be the time that was set by our ancestors to accept the truth about our place in the universe. Some may still believe the earth is flat, or that we never walked on the moon, or driving horse drawn carriages instead of using cars. Does this make them wrong or simply different from the mass populace?
There is a separation most will agree on how we all think in separate cultures but do we ever think that we all may think different in different altitudes or dimensions? Folklife and folk culture is accepted but not aliens and UFOs. Maybe we have been understating things in our history for a reason. Some believed we could not accept the truth and some wanted to control the mass populace. Some are simply set in their ways and do not want to know the truth. Are we our brother’s keeper as it was once pointed out in the Bible? Have we all decided to simply allow our brothers to believe in the Holy Quran and the Holy Bible?
There are people such as Sgt. Clifford Stone (US Army, retired) who claim to be in contact with certain aliens who can maneuver these UFOs. We need to seriously consider that aliens are among us. What if they were always here and always thought of us Gods, and/or Angels?
Many intelligent beings are in contact and believe that there are alien intelligent life forms that are here to assist us; maybe they are guides or angels. Some may be hostile in nature and considered demons, or devils. Depends on words and beliefs only or is there other ways to think about what we should be prepared for in our future.
Are we realizing that we are not powerful and invincible in space? How long have we been asking the question do other beings exist in space? What will we tell our children? They believe that television and Internet were always part of our lives. They also believe in general that they should be afforded a structured life form by their parents. However, there are those who were raised on earth dirt poor and have needs that are simple. Those with basic needs usually are less educated on earth. They do not have the monetary funds to travel and see what the world has to offer. There are galaxies far, far away, and yet do not have the slightest idea about how we are to interact with other intelligent species. We have unstable beings that are completely unpredictable based on their cultural upbringing.
For now, we are simply trying to wake up to the fact that we are being visited by others from outside of our own stellar space. We are now about saving the planet in more ways than one. The greening global awareness organizations are teaming up with the ascension being awareness associations and the UFO associations. This is to share awareness and education.
As a communicator, you do not always tell others what is going on. You are a feeler, an intuitive. You are told to use your senses. Nevertheless, you do not address the issues at hand. This is done a lot on earth with the people of the old hills and hollers of Kentucky. The old ways of our ancestors were good about knowing without speaking of what they know.
The feeling is actually the telepathic abilities. Extra terrestrial entities have been held prisoner on earth prior to this date of which I exist. On certain sites in the past, there are tapes that talk about this that give some details about extracting entities but people would or could be killed. The entities were not accustomed to killing and do not believe in killing.
Certain details that are used in these positions as communicating Interfacers are usually not taught nor is there training for this position. Certain ones on earth simply believe that the telepathic abilities are possible. These believers in Extra terrestrials and UFOS are those who are trusted to believe in other intelligent beings that are not of earth origin. They are placed into trusted positions.
Entities not of earth’s origin have the ability to call down the alien UFOs or the aircraft or spacecraft. There is talk of a man who goes by the name of Yahweh who says on a You Tube video that he can call down the alien UFOs. Is this truth or fiction? I was asked if I had this ability and I had to think about my abilities. I do believe in such things but I also know that those that are real are not at our beckoned call.
There has been contact made by the alien intelligent beings who speak too many on earth.
There is going to be contact in a big way and for many, this contact has already been experienced. Some claim to have seen the Phoenix spacecrafts and others claim those seen in Stephensville were real. Roswell will always be the Mecca or home for the alien Roswell Museum and Research Library on UFOs.
Aliens or off Worlders choose those of earth origin with whom they can communicate. I believe they choose those who are believers and have interacted in their own families and in their own DNA. The aliens can trust in a genetic code.
The truth may be stranger than our fiction on earth.
Contact is something being prepared for in our near future. This is for worldwide acceptance. It is going to happen that the entire world will accept that this is our next level of consciousness and acceptance.
Some people believe that this public contact is being controlled at this time by government entities and other contract civilian affiliations. Some speak of Area 51 and other new underground facilities where alien technology is shared and reversed engineered. The military of our government is aware and some say there are treaties. That is something that many prior military and civilians are aware of or have worked with. There are many areas on earth that we are not allowed to know about. There must be reasons that only those with a need to know and a clearance share.
There is a belief in those who have been called Communicant Interfacers that the alien entities come in peace and only want what is best for our human being intelligent species. Not everyone however, has had good thoughts and good contact with aliens.
Some have stated or alleged that they have been abducted by alien entities.
There are those who believe that by 2016, there will have been an announcement about a probe that comes near earth, which is an artificial probe. Someone else put it out there and we do not know who he or she is at this point in our time on earth.
The old antiquated technology of others is new to us. We refuse to acknowledge BG 1991 as an orb with a highly polished surface that comes close to earth ever fifteen or sixteen years according to Sgt. Clifford Stone. This man has some abilities and one may find his story on You Tube among the many other UFO related videos and UFO sightings.
There are also the Camelot Project and Dresden Tapes. There are many videos that can be watched and people may view and discern for themselves. I know that some of the videos are easily debunked but there are some that are real. Many of the videos I am sent to watch I realize are good footage. Each person has to decide for him or herself what to believe regarding intelligent beings and UFOs as spacecraft not of earth origin.
There are others like Sgt. Clifford Stone, that are into this UFO phenomena or the recent events that occur in the news having to do with UFOS being seen all over including certain hot spots. There is the Mutual UFO Network also known as MUFON that encourages those who view a UFO sighting to report this in the UFO Community to whichever website they choose. The MUFON is a good place to begin although I am told more Investigators are needed.

The UFO Association and the Roswell Connection are two websites that I began in 2007 to celebrate the sixty years of the 1947 Roswell crash of which I personally share an interest. I also share the and My websites that I build all have to do with a story that is part of me since I have lived on earth this time around. I have shared a brief history of my story with others in the past.
I have a story that concerns UFOS, intelligent beings, near death experiences, being taught to see holograms and other technology that others were not sharing in their every day lives. I learned to keep the information to myself so I could lead a normal existence. I kept my stories to myself until 2007. I was teaching ascension and psychic awakening skills to others in Hawaii in the early 1990s. I founded the Ascension Center Hawaii in 1990. Many still believe in Ascension to this day as a way of raising awareness and consciousness. There is much more I desire to share with others. I had to wait until I could live with my decisions to assist in raising awareness as a full time experience or hobby. Many of us had to make a living, although we knew in due time, we would have to become those who were spreading the truth of the intelligent beings. One way was to begin talking about UFO sightings. Growing up this was simply a normal way of life for many but we told each other in secret and in private. We were all programmed this way by our society and cultural beliefs in America.
This is how many people in the Baby Boomer Generation lived, by seeing and not telling.
We are all programmed to be a certain way on earth and just as if we learned to hide under our desks at school in case of a nuclear attack, most of what we learned to not say about UFOS simply does not make any sense any longer. Therefore, many of us in my generation since 1947 are coming to terms with which we are as a human intelligent being generation.
I personally believe that those who have lived before 1947 in another time and in another generation have moved on to another space and place whether in our time I cannot tell. This time that we live in has to do with certain laws and many of the laws of earth that we believed in have changed.
The basic laws or rules that we were taught to follow were these; law of attraction, law of intent, law of allowance, and law of balance. Each person that I know has come along way in his or her spiritual soul growth. The beings that I communicate with all seem to realize the spiritual aspects of being a humanoid intelligent being. We prefer to not kill beings. We prefer to not kill trees as they make oxygen needed on earth. We prefer to not pollute our water of earth because we drink it to survive. We prefer to maintain our basics such as food since we also need food to survive and the next is clothing and shelter. The basics of what we desire to have to maintain our own selves are being threatened.
The Extra-terrestrials (ETs) or Extra Biological Entities (EBEs) are coming and going and many that are found are treated as prisoners. This has been a concern for some who are Interfacers or communicants. There is a desire to change this situation for ascension beings for many who have come to earth in friendship. Many are simply explorers and explain that they are us. Many of the beings of earth who communicate have a count between 57 and 87 species that exist in the universe and there are probably many more.
The beings that are coming to earth have done this probably for thousands of years throughout our recorded history on earth. There are some who realize that we, the human population had been almost wiped out through time and yet, somehow some survived. How?
There are some beings that have been taken in numbers off the face of the earth and this has been seen in the history of earth. There are some Interfacers who believe this will happen again. Some say the rapture has already happened and for some this will happen again. I have heard that this is the penal colony or the prison planet for those who have been less fortunate species or the insignificants.
There have been Interfacers who say that they speak with the beings that enter through the region called the Pleiades. Others who speak of the Orion area, and still others who speak of Andromeda. Whether we have a name for an area of the universe or certain galaxies at this time does not matter that much unless we are going to allow the astronomers to keep naming what they discover. We now go by the names assigned at the time of discovery until another is accepted. This we have no control over. However, certain Interfacers as communicants are not told the actual names this I do know. I have quizzed several. I too, am not told and accept only what we decided to use on earth.
One thing that we need to understand is that alien civilizations exist and that we are not alone in the universe. We also need to understand that some humanoid species with the same genome and size are all working together in space travel. Some are not as friendly as others are. We are certainly learning who are friends are and who they are not. This is why all the contact now.
Regarding crop circles and information, some are real and some are hoaxes, like anything else we desire to know on earth, we have to discern for ourselves and to filter through the disinformation. Being skeptical is good and the power to discern and to seek out the truth is only normal and a human characteristic.
There are many who know that certain intelligence life forms coming to earth are all humanoid in appearance. There are stories about underground facilities some that we as earthlings have made, and some that extra terrestrials have made. There is talk of underground seas that take these beings in their UFOS underwater as submersibles.
For now, many are tuning into their televisions and to certain websites on the Internet.
There is an obvious interest in the unknown that has not been so obvious in the past. I believe that this has to do with the Baby Boomer generation and their interests growing up. We were brought up in the UFO generation watching Star Trek, Outer Limits, and the Twilight Zone just to name the few shows that allowed us to explore our imaginations.
The words or descriptions may be new to some but not to all in the ufology field of study or genre. UFOs are not a good term. Interplanetary conveyances are not a good term either. Ufos are called exactly that since the 19th century. Now, we accept the acronym for unidentified flying objects as anything not identified flying through space. Of course, there are other meanings but when one mentions a UFO most people on earth have an idea of what the other person is speaking about, and that is something from another galaxy. A UFO is something that is flown in space and is not from earth.
A UFO is a short term for anything seen flying in our airspace that is thought to not be of earth origin. We have seen things that our governments are not allowing us to know about because of national security reasons in North America air space. Other countries have their own reasons to keep global secrets. The United Nations may not be aware of all the secrecy or be concerned with global population and alien takeovers. There may be a reason to change this in our future. We may fail to see the reason for all the global secrecy among our controlling governments.
The initiation of the Sunshine Act, the Freedom of Information Act, had at the heart the hope that not all the UFO documents would be kept classified and given to the public for general information. It is still the government understanding that UFO information should be kept classified in the military community or within our governments. There are certain words for the gullible such as balloons used as a cover story or subject for UFOs, i.e. Seven UFOS (balloons) traveling at 1700 miles per hour.
Most people will tell you that balloons do not travel at that speed, it is not possible. However, there have been ghost’s stories told by those who prefaced this with, "I don’t believe in ghost’s stories mind you, but this really happened." Are monotheists or we polytheists? Do we believe in false Gods? Maybe we should listen to the people who say they are in communication with other intelligent being species. They may have some answers.

Special thanks to Theresa J. Thurmond Morris.

External Links
Original American Chronicle Article
Report your UFO Sighting
UFO Articles 
Something that does not fit into the Spiritual Alignment we call Ascension.

There are limits on our time here on earth. We need to find more and better. We all need to find out our share and our shard of truth. We all do something better on earth than anyone earth. Maybe we deserve more. Most think so but it is not my place to say. I have not attained the success that Jesus Christ did on earth but I do well in America.

I have enough and am happy. I could accept more assistance for those who could share in the success of being inspired by those above. I receive prints and images while I sleep as in dreams that I can recognize.

We are going to learn about our other selves in our essence in the future. This will come in time. We are now preparing for the infinity space-time loop that will explain wormhole travel.  I have had territory explored more than in psychic impressions and I narrow down the alien ET symbols in my mind. The neural pathways are mazes of the minds to be explored. We are hardwired but we are also wired for essence that no one on the planet has ever been able to locate. There is a reason that our exact spot of our soul can be found in our physical bodies. We can tell a lot from the shadows and angles of the outcroppings along with the water and fluid in our body-mind-spirits.

There are spiritual essences that can survive in our body-mind-spirits but now without water. There are reasons to begin checking everyone’s potassium levels and watch the blood pressure. We are going to be experiencing some physical changes that will be a concern that do not match our prior exact body=mind & spirit prints. A blood trail that is in all our bodies allows us to be joined to our bones.

The landing strips of the past that could be seen from space are for those who wanted to get a ride to another place in space. The universe is filled with other places for our essences. It is like thinking about being human and the simple ways we think. It is not hard. When we think of where we do when we die, we can find humor in space. We can share sayings like, ‘Elvis is not dear, and he has just left the building!” We see our loved ones die and they are merely passing on their power from one circle into another in the sun. Here on earth, this is powerful stuff. It is true we never forget. For a limited time, we can all get ahead of our memories creating good memories for when we do not have our body physical as a unit and vessel. Get to know your game and your friends. This is the price one pays to face find chat in body-mind-spirit. NEXT, we will be sharing Time Travel and Individual Infinity in space. The next evolution of our own species on earth will require more intelligence. This is why we are marking time until those coming to earth will all be aware that alien civilizations exist in space!

Ascension Age begins December 21, 2012 T. 11:11. Many will not find out until we grow. Just remember we are each other’s greatest strength forged in the memories of the gathering together as one species on one planet at the 7 billion mark. We must all agree to allow the awareness to awaken the critical mass consciousness to allow for preliminary analysis of our Supreme Beings. Remember, we all have a share as a shard of truth in our own body and essence. We are all different and all the same which leaves us hoping that we can all become aware of the entire global community and obtain a total count for those who will be aware of our currency in space or become counterfeiters who will be ignorant and will fall to those who are more powerful as in the lower seeds of the lower energies of those who come who are of the dark arts.

We must prepare all for the light, which we share as the spark of the awareness of ascension as those who are aware of the vantage point from over the airstrips in the deserts.  Our ancestors were agreeing to know of the facts that remained after the prior visits of the aliens that loaded others on the alien ET spacecraft. There are those who know of those who come and go. Some of them took a deal as an Army Ranger and some were visiting the crime and crash scenes but could not win the argument against signing a 50-year confidentiality agreement.

We cannot assist all these beings forever because at the time there were things that were thought best for national security. It is time to grow up the nation and the entire world of governments. We may find our world leaders are going to be tested so take a point off the future stocks that matter. We are going to electronic currency and the world will have to return to a two metal gold and silver standard. Hard to listen to the future of the third eye counting up against stone and steel. Sometimes a hurt is only a guilty tear and sometimes all we can do is weep. TJ

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